Autor/-in: Amy Brown
Professor Amy Brown is Director of 'LIFT' - the centre for Lactation, Infant Feeding and Translation at Swansea University, UK. With a background in psychology, she first became interested in the many barriers women face when breastfeeding after having her first baby. Three babies and a PhD later she has spent the last fifteen years exploring psychological, cultural and societal barriers to breastfeeding, with an emphasis on understanding how we can shift our perception of breastfeeding from an individual mothering issue, to a wider public health problem.
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Let's talk about the first year of parenting
CHF 31.83
Auf Lager:
Breastfeeding Uncovered
Who really decides how we feed our babies?
CHF 25.41
Auf Lager:
Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter
CHF 17.72
Lieferdatum: Unbekannt
The Positive Breastfeeding Book
Everything you need to feed your baby with confidence
CHF 32.61