
Herausgegeben von: Ghislain Pascal

Ghislain Pascal was
a celebrity agent and publicist for many years - including as agent to
the legendary photographer Bob Carlos Clarke. Following the death of Bob
Carlos Clarke in 2006 he manages The Estate of Bob Carlos Clarke. He
co-founded The Little Black Gallery, one of London's leading photography
galleries, in 2008 with Tamara Beckwith Veroni. He is an avid collector
of photography which are housed in a permanent exhibition space at his
home in France. He is the Editor of the BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! books and
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Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Boys! Boys! Boys!
Auf Lager:
Boys! Boys! Boys!
-9.3 %
CHF 57.12