
Herausgegeben von: Jiagang Wu

Prof. Jiagang Wu is the Vice Dean of the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Sichuan University. He received his bachelor and doctoral degrees from Sichuan University in 2003 and 2008 and then worked as a Singapore Millennium Postdoctoral Fellow (SMF-PDF) at the National University of Singapore from 2008 to 2010. He has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science, Sichuan University, since 2011. In 2015, he has been promoted to professor at Sichuan University. His main research interest is the composition design and property modification of lead-free ferroelectric/piezoelectric/multiferroic materials. He has published 1 book and more than 300 papers in international journals together with SCI citations of more than 10000. He was rewarded as the National Natural Science Foundation-Outstanding Youth Foundation, Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship (2020), and Elsevier Most Cited Chinese Researchers. He serves as the Associate Editor for the journal of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
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Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Piezoelectric Materials
Auf Lager:
Piezoelectric Materials
From Fundamentals to Emerging Applications
-14.0 %
CHF 189.97