
Autor/-in: Joanna Meyer

Joanna Meyer is director of public engagement at the Denver Institute for Faith and Work, where she leads public events, hosts the Faith and Work Podcast, and founded Women, Work, and Calling, a national initiative that equips Christian women for godly influence in public life. Prior to joining the Institute, she worked in global telecom, nonprofit consulting, and campus ministry with Cru. Joanna served as associate faculty at Denver Seminary and completed a certificate in Women in Leadership through Cornell University. She contributed to Women and Work and has written for Faith Driven Entrepreneur and various Denver Institute publications. She lives in Aurora, Colorado.

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Buch (Softcover): Sachbuch
Women, Work, and Calling
Auf Lager:
Women, Work, and Calling
Step Into Your Place in God's World
-3.1 %
CHF 22.19