
Autor/-in: Keller

DR. RON KELLER holds an undergraduate degree in business and adver­tising, a master's degree in theology from Fuller Seminary, and a doc­torate degree in counseling psychology. He has trained and worked with leaders from all types of professions and organizations and has more than forty years of experience in corporate consulting as well as youth, marriage, and family counseling. Ron is also a member of both the National Christian Counselors Association and the International Christian Fellowship. His passion is to help people discover and capital­ize on their uniqueness to accomplish more than they ever imagined.

NANCY KELLER has undergraduate and graduate degrees from St. Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas, respectively. She has counseled couples preparing for marriage for more than thirty years and has worked with thousands of couples. She is a certified Prepare/Enrich trainer, and her areas of expertise include marriage preparation, couples counseling, and temperament counseling. She has also served in church ministry for more than forty years. Her calling is to help couples enjoy strong, solid, fulfilling marriages that honor God.

Ron and Nancy live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and have five adult children. They love grandparenting, sailing, photography, kayak­ing, and biking.

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Buch (Hardcover): Ratgeber
Marrying Again
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Marrying Again
52 Devotions to Prepare Your Heart and Mind for Marriage After Divorce
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Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
Die Leute von Seldwyla
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Die Leute von Seldwyla
Erzählungen von Gottfried Keller
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Buch (Hardcover): Ratgeber
So einfach geht Wild
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So einfach geht Wild
Wildbret/ Wildfleisch: Zerlegen - Zubereiten - Genießen Kochbuch Wildkochbuch
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Buch: Schulbuch
Deutsch als Zweitsprache - systematisch fördern
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Deutsch als Zweitsprache - systematisch fördern
Unterrichtsmaterialien für Vorschulkinder und Schulanfänger (1. Klasse/Vorschule)
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