Herausgegeben von: Rainer Wenrich
Rainer Wenrich studied Art History, Philosophy and German Literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Painting/Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, achieved a Ph.D. on the topic of Art and Fashion in the 20th century. He is a Professor and Chair for Art Education and Art Didactics at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt. He lectured as a Professor for Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. He is the author of articles and books in the field of art education and fashion studies. In 2016 he joined the editorial advisory board of The Journal of Dress History published by the Association of Dress Historians.
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Zeitgeschichte im Museum
Das 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ausstellen und vermitteln
CHF 28.60
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Diversity im Kunstunterricht
CHF 32.23
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Expecting Reality - Connecting Minds
Anticipators in Arts & Education
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CHF 48.79