Autor/-in: A. A. Milne
This book is inspired by the characters created by A.A.Milne and the iconic decorations created by E.H.Shepard. A.A.Milne was born in London in 1882 and became a highly successful writer of plays, poems and novels. He based Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet and friends on the real nursery toys of his son Christopher Robin and published the first book of their adventures together in 1926. Since then, Pooh has become a world-famous bear, and Milne¿s stories have been translated into seventy-two languages.
E.H.Shepard was born in London in 1879. He was an artist, illustrator and cartoonist and went on to draw the original decorations to accompany Milne¿s classic stories, earning him the name `the man who drew Pooh¿.
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