Autor/-in: Alessandro Vitale
Alessandro Vitale, also known as Spicy Moustache, began gardening when he was a kid with his grandfather, who taught him everything he knew about gardening and the "living soil" surrounding us. When Alessandro moved to London, he felt passionately that he wanted to get back in touch with that living soil, and find an area where soil and living creatures could coexist again. He shares his adventures in his small London garden on his YouTube channel The Spicy Moustache, where he helps others to reestablish their missing link with nature through urban gardening. He specialises in all-organic techniques, Korean JADAM gardening and sustainability. He has been featured on Tamron Hall TV show in the US, The Guardian, Walesonline, Get.waste.ed, Goodnewsnetwork and Ladbible.
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Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Auf Lager:
Rebel Gardening
A beginner’s handbook to organic urban gardening
-6.1 %
CHF 30.51
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Gärtnern: kann jede*r!
Ökologisch. Nachhaltig. Urban. Von Social-Media-Star "Spicy Moustache". Urban Gardening - cool, inspirierend und unkonventionell
-5.2 %
CHF 29.86
Auf Lager:
Low Waste Kitchen
Radical Recipes for Sustainable Living
-8.6 %
CHF 30.62