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Autor/-in: Alexander Fridman

Alexander Fridman is Nyheim Chair Professor, and director of the J.& C. Nyheim Plasma Institute of Drexel University, and one of the world leading scientists in plasma science and engineering. Prof. Fridman develops novel plasma approaches to material treatment, fuel conversion, hydrogen production, aerospace engineering, biology, environmental control, agriculture, and food processing. Significant and highly recognized contribution of Prof. Fridman and his group has been done in development of Plasma Medicine, which is a revolutionary breakthrough research focused on direct plasma interaction with living tissues, direct plasma application for wound treatment, skin sterilization, blood coagulation and treatment of different diseases, including cancer, not effectively treated before. Prof. Fridman is recognized today as one of the world pioneers of Plasma Medicine, and Founding President of the International Society of Plasma Medicine. Dr. Fridman worked and taught as a Professor in different National Laboratories and Universities of United States, France and Russia. He published 8 monograph books (with multiple editions), and more than thousand scientific papers (with total citation index about 35,000; h-index 81), organized and chaired several major international conferences. He is an author of more than 30 Patents. Dr. Fridman received numerous awards, including International Plasma Medicine Award, Stanley Kaplan Distinguished Professorship in Chemical Kinetics and Energy Systems, George Soros Distinguished Professorship in Physics, Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Medal, Dupont award, University of Illinois and Drexel University Research awards, Kurchatov Gold Medal for Scientific Achievements in Nuclear and Plasma Sciences. Dr. Fridman together with the Nobel Prize laureate N.G. Basov received the State Price of the USSR for discovery of selective stimulation of chemical processes in plasma. Recently, in 2019, Alexander Fridman received Reactive Plasma Award, the highest award of International Society for Reactive Plasmas, as well as very prestigious Plasma Chemistry Award.
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Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Plasma Science and Technology
Auf Lager:
Plasma Science and Technology
Lectures in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering
-11.9 %
CHF 111.84