
Autor/-in: Andrea Guarelli

Born in 1961, Andrea Guarelli is a Master of Goju-Ryu Karatedo and Matayoshi Kobudo. He was an Italian champion in kumite and vice European champion.

Guarelli devoted himself to the study of martial arts of Okinawa. Currently 8th Dan Kyoshi in both disciplines, he owns and teaches at Junshinkan dojo, which he founded in 1977. He is president of both the Italian Association of Okinawa Kobudo (AIKO) and the International Matayoshi Kobudo Association (IMKA). He also serves as technical director of Okinawa Karatedo Italy (OKI). Guarelli holds seminars worldwide, has published several books on Okinawan martial arts, and resides in Verona, Italy.
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Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Softcover): Ratgeber
Okinawan Kobudo
Auf Lager:
Okinawan Kobudo
The History, Tools, and Techniques of the Ancient Martial Art
CHF 23.63
Buch (Softcover): Ratgeber
BO - Kampf mit dem Langstock
Auf Lager:
BO - Kampf mit dem Langstock
Die Kobudowaffe aus Okinawa
-3.3 %
CHF 25.63