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Autor/-in: Cathy Hackl

Cathy Hackl is a web3 and metaverse strategist, tech futurist, speaker and author. She's worked with metaverse-related companies such as HTC VIVE, Magic Leap, and AWS, and currently consults with some of the world's leading brands, including P&G, Clinique, Ralph Lauren, Orlando Economic Partnership and more. Hackl is one of the world's first Chief Metaverse Officers and the co-founder of Journey, where she works with luxury, fashion, and beauty brands to create successful metaverse and web3 strategies and helps them build worlds in platforms like Roblox, Fortnite, Decentraland, The Sandbox, and beyond. She is widely regarded as one of the leading thinkers on the Metaverse with one of the largest collections of articles on the topic: she has been featured in publications such as TIME, Vogue, GQ, Fortune, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Forbes, USA Today, VentureBeat, WIRED, WSJ, and the NY Times. As a media personality, she's been interviewed by 60 Minutes, Good Morning America, CNBC's Squawk Box, and more. Hackl is part of the US Department of State's prestigious US Speakers Program, and additionally founded People of The Metaverse, a web3 community that brings together the world's leading intellectuals, thinkers, doers, and creators of today for metaverse salons at bespoke locations around the world.
Hier finden Sie zu den besten Preisen alle Bücher, eBooks und Hörbücher von Cathy Hackl.
Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Softcover): Sachbuch
Erfolgreich im Metaverse
Auf Lager:
Erfolgreich im Metaverse
So nutzen Sie die Chancen der neuen virtuellen Realität
CHF 29.72
Buch (Softcover): Sachbuch
Into the Metaverse
Auf Lager:
Into the Metaverse
Der unverzichtbare Leitfaden für die Chancen des Internets der Zukunft
CHF 26.33
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Spatial Computing
Auf Lager:
Spatial Computing
An AI-Driven Business Revolution
-12.2 %
CHF 35.05