Autor/-in: Deborah Smith
Deborah lives in Kent with her family and her gorgeous Labradors, Ruby and Liska. When Deborah's daughters were little, she became fascinated by how they developed and learnt. That's when her journey in Early Years began, and led to her graduating from university with a degree in Early Years Education.
Having worked in the sector for many years, Deborah has a passion for working with children, teaching outdoor learning and sharing her knowledge. It is these elements, along with her childlike imagination, that have led to the creation of 'Nutley'.
Having worked in the sector for many years, Deborah has a passion for working with children, teaching outdoor learning and sharing her knowledge. It is these elements, along with her childlike imagination, that have led to the creation of 'Nutley'.
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Auf Lager:
The Vegetarian
A Novel
-6.7 %
CHF 17.27
Auf Lager:
Grow Your Own Happiness
How to Harness the Science of Wellbeing for Life
-7.8 %
CHF 21.12