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Autor/-in: Frank Mittelbach

Frank Mittelbach is the lead author of The LaTeX Companion, Third Edition, and is series editor of Addison-Wesley's Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting series. He is also technical lead of the LaTeX Project and, along with overseeing the original major release of LaTeX2_ in 1994, he has overseen the 36 subsequent releases of this software. Frank is author or coauthor of several books and of many and varied LaTeX extension packages, such as AMS-LaTeX, doc, multicol, and NFSS: the New Font Selection Scheme. He is on the board of the International Gutenberg Society, an international association for the study of the history and development of printing technology and font-oriented media, where he focuses on the more recent period. He is currently leading a multi-year project for automatically producing tagged and accessible PDF output from LaTeX.

Ulrike Fischer lives with her husband in Bonn, Germany. After studying mathematics at the University of Bonn, Ulrike became interested in the internal handling of fonts and in chess typesetting. With the help of the first edition of The LaTeX Companion, she wrote at the chessfss package, which allows users to choose between various chess fonts, and other chess-related packages. She joined the LaTeX Project after the TUG meeting in Rio de Janeiro, where she presented her package tagpdf to create tagged PDFs to the team members. Together with other members of the LaTeX Project she now maintains various packages including luaotfload, hyperref, xcolor, the new LaTeX PDF management code and more.

Hier finden Sie zu den besten Preisen alle Bücher, eBooks und Hörbücher von Frank Mittelbach.
Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
The LaTeX Companion, 3rd Edition: Part II
Auf Lager:
The LaTeX Companion, 3rd Edition: Part II
-12.0 %
CHF 59.74
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
LaTeX Companion, The: Part I
Auf Lager:
LaTeX Companion, The: Part I
-19.5 %
CHF 54.65
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
The LATEX Graphics Companion
Auf Lager:
The LATEX Graphics Companion
Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
-7.2 %
CHF 60.30