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Autor/-in: Guy Black

Guy Black is the owner of Retrotec Ltd, an aircraft restoration company. His interest in restoration came after serving an apprenticeship with Weslake & Co.; a company world famous for their expertise in piston-engine technology. After initially setting up a company dedicated to restoring historic racing cars, Guy - alongside Angus Spencer-Nairn - began collecting historic military aircraft. This collection became Historic Aircraft Collection Ltd and is now one of the largest private collection of military aircraft in Europe today. Some of the aircraft that Guy and Retrotec have restored in the past years are displayed in museums worldwide including the RAF Museum, Imperial War Museum, the USAAF Museum and the National Aviation Museum in Canada.
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Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
DH9: From Ruin to Restoration
Nicht auf Lager
DH9: From Ruin to Restoration
The Extraordinary Story of the Discovery in India and Return to Flight of a Rare WWI Bomber
-3.6 %
CHF 34.24