Autor/-in: Jennifer A. Nielsen
- Jennifer A. Nielsen is the acclaimed author of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Ascendance Series: The False Prince, The Runaway King, The Shadow Throne, The Captive Kingdom, and The Shattered Castle. She also wrote the New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game and its sequels, The Deceiver's Heart, and The Warrior's Curse; the New York Times bestselling Mark of the Thief trilogy: Mark of the Thief, Rise of the Wolf, and Wrath of the Storm; the standalone fantasy The Scourge; and the critically acclaimed historical thrillers A Night Divided, Resistance, Words on Fire, Rescue, Lines of Courage, and the forthcoming Iceberg. Jennifer collects old books, loves good theater, and thinks that a quiet afternoon in the mountains makes for a nearly perfect moment. She lives in northern Utah with her family, and is probably sneaking in a bite of dark chocolate right now. You can visit her online at or follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @nielsenwriter.
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Nicolas Calva. Der allmächtige Armreif
Band 2
CHF 17.26
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The False Prince
Ascendance Trilogy
CHF 20.24
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A Night Divided (Scholastic Gold)
CHF 32.61