Autor/-in: Kier-La Janisse
Kier-La Janisse is a film writer, programmer, producer and founder of The Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies. She is the author of A Violent Professional: The Films of Luciano Rossi (2007) and has edited numerous books including Warped & Faded (2021), Yuletide Terror (2017) and Satanic Panic (2015). She was a producer on the film Tales of the Uncanny (2020) and wrote, directed and produced the award-winning documentary Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021) for Severin Films, where she is a producer and editor of supplemental features.
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Satanic Panic
Pop-Cultural Paranoia in the 1980s
-1.4 %
CHF 42.89