
Autor/-in: Kristin M. Franseen

Kristin M. Franseen is a FRQSC postdoctoral fellow at Concordia University, where she is also a research associate with the Simone de Beauvoir Institute. She received her PhD in musicology from McGill University in 2019. Articles stemming from her dissertation appear in Music & Letters, 19th-Century Music, and the Cahiers de la SociÃ(c)tÃ(c) quÃ(c)bÃ(c)coise de recherche en musique. Her research focuses on the role of gossip, anecdote, and fiction in the history of musicology and composer biography. She is currently at work on two projects: (1) a critical look at music critic and amateur sexologist Edward Prime-Stevenson's record collecting and self-publishing activities and (2) an examination of Antonio Salieri's literary reception history.
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Buch (Hardcover): Belletristik
Imagining Musical Pasts
Auf Lager:
Imagining Musical Pasts
The Queer Literary Musicology of Vernon Lee, Rosa Newmarch, and Edward Prime-Stevenson
-19.0 %
CHF 144.99