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Autor/-in: Mark Soper

Mark Edward Soper has been working with PCs since the days of the IBM PC/XT and AT as a salesperson, technology advisor, consultant, experimenter, and technology writer and content creator. Since 1992, he has taught thousands of students across the country how to repair, manage, and troubleshoot the hardware, software, operating systems, and firmware inside their PCs. He has created many versions of his experimental computer known as "FrankenPC" for this and previous books. Mark earned his CompTIA A+ Certification in 1999 and has written five other A+ Certification books covering previous versions of the A+ Certification exams for Pearson imprints. Mark is also the creator of Building and Repairing PCs (Que Video).

Mark has contributed to many editions of Upgrading and Repairing PCs, working on the 11th through 18th and 20th through 22nd editions; co-authored Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Fifth Edition; and has written two books about digital photography, Easy Digital Cameras and The Shot Doctor: The Amateur's Guide to Taking Great Digital Photos.

In addition, Mark has written Easy Windows 10, Easy Windows 8.1, Easy Windows 8, Easy Microsoft Windows 7, and Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows 7 in 10 Minutes. He also wrote two books about Windows Vista: Maximum PC Microsoft Windows Vista Exposed and Unleashing Microsoft Windows Vista Media Center.

Mark has also contributed to Que's Special Edition Using series on Windows Me, Windows XP, and Windows Vista and to Que's Windows 7 In Depth. Mark has also created a number of hardware tutorial videos available from the OnGadgets&Hardware podcast channel at www.quepublishing.


Mark has also written many blog entries and articles for MaximumPC.com and Maximum PC magazine. He currently teaches Microsoft Office for University of Southern Indiana and Ivy Tech Corporate College in Evansville, Indiana, and also has taught A+ Certification and other technology-related subjects at Ivy Tech Community College. See Mark's website at www.markesoper. com for news and information about upcoming projects.

Hier finden Sie zu den besten Preisen alle Bücher, eBooks und Hörbücher von Mark Soper.
Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Core 2 Certification Passport (Exam 220-1102)
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Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Core 2 Certification Passport (Exam 220-1102)
CHF 40.14
Buch (Softcover): Ratgeber
CompTIA A+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!
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CompTIA A+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!
Core 1 Exam 220-1101
-13.0 %
CHF 46.57
Buch (Softcover): Ratgeber
CompTIA A+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!
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CompTIA A+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!
Core 2 Exam 220-1102
-15.5 %
CHF 55.79
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
Easy Windows 10
Auf Lager:
Easy Windows 10
-3.6 %
CHF 34.24