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Autor/-in: Marwa Daoudy

Marwa Daoudy is Assistant Professor in the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, Washington DC. The co-organizer of a major climate change conference at Princeton University, she has been a policy advisor and consultant for government agencies including the UNESCO-World Water Assessment Program, and contributed to the establishment of the Oxford Water Network, a research-led project which focuses on improving water security across the globe. She is the author of The Water Divide between Syria, Turkey and Iraq: Negotiation, Security and Power Asymmetry (2005), which was awarded the Ernest Lémonon prize by the Académie Française.
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Buch (Hardcover): Sachbuch
The Origins of the Syrian Conflict
Nicht auf Lager
The Origins of the Syrian Conflict
Climate Change and Human Security
-10.4 %
CHF 139.72