
Autor/-in: Matthew Reinhart

Matthew Reinhart studied industrial design at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, before finding his calling as a paper engineer. His books include the best-selling Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros, and DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book, among many other award-winning titles. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Born and raised in the Bay Area, Ryan Riller is a freelance artist who studied animation and visual development at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. While pursuing his master’s degree, he discovered a passion for handcrafted paper art and developed a following on Instagram. From original pieces, portraits and landscapes to creative fan art, he uses card stock and other traditional media to create compelling scenes with 3D pop-out effects. Throughout his career, Ryan has done commissions for various clients and hosted workshops for leading companies such as Google and The Walt Disney Family Museum. His art has been featured on Nerdist, Gizmodo, and other online publications. You can now find Ryan’s work at Disneyland and Walt Disney World

Hier finden Sie zu den besten Preisen alle Bücher, eBooks und Hörbücher von Matthew Reinhart.
Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Pappbilderbuch: Kinderbuch
Shapes: My First Pop-Up! (A Pop Magic Book)
Nicht auf Lager
Shapes: My First Pop-Up! (A Pop Magic Book)
CHF 21.93
Pappbilderbuch: Kinderbuch
Colors: My First Pop-Up! (A Pop Magic Book)
Auf Lager:
Colors: My First Pop-Up! (A Pop Magic Book)
-16.7 %
CHF 16.57
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Jurassic World - The Ultimate Pop-Up Book
Nicht auf Lager
Jurassic World - The Ultimate Pop-Up Book
-16.9 %
CHF 75.59
Buch (Hardcover): Kinderbuch
Pokémon: Das große Pokémon-Bastelbuch - Die schönsten Bastelideen aus Papier
Auf Lager:
Pokémon: Das große Pokémon-Bastelbuch - Die schönsten Bastelideen aus Papier
Bastelbuch mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und stabilen Vorlagebögen
CHF 24.44
Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Diagon Alley and Beyond
Nicht auf Lager
Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Diagon Alley and Beyond
-22.9 %
CHF 77.12
Buch (Hardcover): Kinderbuch
Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs Pop-Up
Nicht auf Lager
Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs Pop-Up
-14.5 %
CHF 45.72