Autor/-in: Michal Korkosz
Michał Korkosz won the 2017 Saveur Blog Award for best food photography (both Editors’ and Readers’ Choice). He is a food journalist, cake lover, croissant gourmand, and the author of two cookbooks: Fresh from Poland and Polish’d. On his blog, Rozkoszny (which means “delightful”), he connects this love of cooking with another hobby—photography that captures both his delicious dishes and the loved ones he shares them with. He was born and raised in Poland.
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Auf Anfrage
Modern Vegetarian Cooking from Global Poland
-16.6 %
CHF 39.10
Auf Lager:
Polen vegetarisch
Bigos, Piroggen & Co neu interpretiert. Polnisches Kochbuch mit vegetarischen Rezepten. Polnische Spezialitäten mal anders vom Frühstück bis Pirogg
-7.3 %
CHF 35.15