Autor/-in: Octavia E. Butler
OCTAVIA E. BUTLER (1947-2006) was the renowned author of numerous ground-breaking novels, including Kindred, Wild Seed, and Parable of the Sower. Recipient of the Locus, Hugo and Nebula awards, and a PEN Lifetime Achievement Award for her body of work, in 1995 she became the first science-fiction writer to receive the MacArthur Fellowship 'Genius Grant'. A pioneer of her genre, Octavia's dystopian novels explore myriad themes of Black injustice, women's rights, global warming and political disparity, and her work is taught in over two hundred colleges and universities nationwide.
In 2020, Octavia E. Butler became a New York Times bestselling author.
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Auf Lager:
Die Parabel vom Sämann
Dystopischer New York Times Bestseller – Octavia knew - Roman
CHF 23.36
Auf Lager:
Parable of the Talents
winner of the Nebula Award
CHF 22.46
Auf Lager:
Wilde Saat
Meisterwerke der Science Fiction - Roman
CHF 19.94