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Autor/-in: Piotr Górecki

Piotr Gorecki is a program manager and enterprise architect working at IBM Global SAP Center of Competence. He has more than 20 years of experience in planning and delivering complex business transformation programs based on SAP solutions. Piotr has been working on global and local SAP projects in several industries, including consumer products, life sciences, retail, and telecommunications. In his current role, he helps customers define their road maps to SAP S/4HANA and identify new solutions and technologies that enable reaching their business goals. Piotr can be reached via www.linkedin.com/in/piotrgorecki/.
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Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Sap S/4hana
Nicht auf Lager
Sap S/4hana
An Introduction
-12.7 %
CHF 89.91