Autor/-in: Richard Copping
An enthusiast of the VW marque for over 40 years, Richard Copping has written the best part of thirty books about the classic VW Beetle and its derivatives, the Transporter in its various guises, the Karmann Ghia 'sports' coupé and the sportier earlier incarnations of the VW Golf. Well known as a Concours judge, he attends a good number of shows on the VW circuit and is a regular contributor to one of the top magazines devoted to the VW Camper and its commercial brethren.
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Auf Lager:
VW Bus T3
Alle Modelle 1979–1992
-9.4 %
CHF 31.27
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VW Beetle Specification Guide 1968-1980
CHF 49.23
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Volkswagen Camper
40 Years of Freedom: An A-Z of Popular Camper Conversions
-10.5 %
CHF 32.67