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Autor/-in: Scott Berinato

Scott Berinato, self-professed dataviz geek, is the author of Good Charts: The HBR Guide to Making Smarter, More Persuasive Data Visualizations, of which Fast Company said "It may just be the design manual of the year." He speaks frequently on the power and necessity of good data visualization--his most recent talk being his third consecutive year presenting on dataviz at SXSW in Austin, Texas--and has worked with many companies and individuals to up their dataviz game. He is a senior editor at Harvard Business Review where he writes and edits about visualization, and also technology and business.

Author social media/website info: linkedin.com/in/scott-berinato-6330ba54, twitter.com/scottberinato?lang=en

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Mixed-Media-Product: Fachbuch
The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection
Auf Lager:
The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection
Tips, Tools, and Exercises for Creating Powerful Data Visualizations
-8.2 %
CHF 75.28