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Autor/-in: Snorri Gudmundsson

Dr. Snorri Gudmundsson served from 1995-2009 at Cirrus Aircraft. He served in various engineering roles in the development of several aircraft, including the Cirrus SR20 and SR22 aircraft. From 2005-2009, he served as the Chief Aerodynamicist, where he was responsible for the aerodynamics of the SF50 Vision jet (recipient of the 2017 Collier Trophy). He had two appointments a Designated Engineering Representative (DER) for the FAA, as a Structural and Flight Analyst. He has contributed to the certification of several aircraft. This includes development and certification flight and structural testing. He has conducted load analysis, stability and control evaluation, and performance analysis on a variety of single and multi-engine aircraft. In 2010, Dr. Gudmundsson joined the faculty at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where he is currently an Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, teaching aircraft design and aerodynamics. Dr. Snorri has a Youtube channel on Aircraft Design: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0O5jdhFrdYBFC5YJP6axg/
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Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
General Aviation Aircraft Design
Auf Lager:
General Aviation Aircraft Design
Applied Methods and Procedures
-19.0 %
CHF 164.44