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Autor/-in: Terence Ward

Terence Ward is a Colorado-born writer, documentarist, and cross-cultural consultant who grew up in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt. After graduating from UC Berkeley, he worked for a decade with Middle East Industrial Relations Counselors (MEIRC) consulting with clients across the Gulf. The author of The Guardian of Mercy and The Wahhabi Code, he serves as international trustee for the World Conference of Religions for Peace (RfP). He is a member of the noted Middle Eastern Institute (ISMEO) in Rome and divides his time between Florence and New York.
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Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
The Guardian of Mercy
Nicht auf Lager
The Guardian of Mercy
How an Extraordinary Painting by Caravaggio Changed an Ordinary Life Today
CHF 24.85
Buch (Softcover): Fachbuch
Searching for Hassan
Nicht auf Lager
Searching for Hassan
A Journey to the Heart of Iran
CHF 32.25