Autor/-in: Travis Elborough
Described as 'one of the country's finest pop culture historians', Travis Elborough is an acclaimed author and social commentator who lives in London. His work delves into the ephemera of retro culture as well as the history of London, geography, and a broad range of other subjects. His Atlas of Vanishing Places won the Illustrated Book of the Year at the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards in 2020, and he has also written The Bus We Loved, a passionate love letter to the Routemaster bus which defined London transport for more than 50 years. His other works include A Traveller's Year, A London Year, The Long-Player Goodbye, Being A Writer and A Walk in the Park: The Life and Times of a People's Institution. Travis is a regular contributor to Radio 4 and the Guardian, and has penned articles on all aspects of travel and culture, from pirates in the Caribbean to donkeys at the British seaside. He has written for the Times, Sunday Times, New Statesman, BBC History Magazine and Kinfolk among others, and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster, where he teaches creative writing.
Hier finden Sie zu den besten Preisen alle Bücher, eBooks und Hörbücher von Travis Elborough.
Bestellungen bis 15:00 Uhr für Produkte auf Lager erhalten Sie - ohne Versandgebühr - am nächsten Werktag.
Auf Lager:
Atlas of Improbable Places
A Journey to the World's Most Unusual Corners
-12.5 %
CHF 16.19
Nicht auf Lager
The Writer's Journey
In the Footsteps of the Literary Greats
-10.5 %
CHF 32.67
Atlas der ungewöhnlichsten Orte
Eine Reise zu verwunschenen Plätzen, verlassenen Inseln und geheimnisvollen Labyrinthen
CHF 23.36
Auf Lager:
Die Reisen großer Künstlerinnen und Künstler
-9.7 %
CHF 34.22
Auf Lager:
The Bus We Loved
London'S Affair with the Routemaster
CHF 27.39