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Autor/-in: Wolf-D. Woggon

Wolf-D. Woggon is Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel (Switzerland). He completed his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) with the late Hans Schmid. After a postdoctoral stay with Alan Battersby in Cambridge (UK), he started his independent research at the University of Zurich and completed his habilitation in 1985. In 1995, he became professor at the University of Basel. His research interests include the synthesis of enzyme models, enzymatic reaction mechanisms, isolation of new enzymes, the synthesis of vitamins, metalloporphyrins, cyclodextrins and the development of new ligand-scaffolds for metal-organic catalysis. He has served for six years as head of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel and for further four years as its managing director.
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Buch (Hardcover): Fachbuch
Bioorganic and Enzymatic Catalysis
Auf Lager:
Bioorganic and Enzymatic Catalysis
An Introduction
-14.3 %
CHF 126.88